
马大排名猛挫 潘俭伟建议公开搜校长


【本刊记者撰述】马来亚大学校长拉菲雅沙林(Rafiah Salim)马来亚大学校长拉菲雅沙林两年任内成绩乏善可陈,可是马来亚大学的世界排名持续下滑,八打灵再也北区候任国会议员潘俭伟要新任高教部长卡立诺丁搜纳人才,取代任期即将届满的拉菲雅!

八打灵北区候任国会议员兼行动党秘书长经济顾问潘俭伟发表文告,要求高教部部长卡立诺丁(Khaled Nordin)履行高教部部长的首要职责,从世界各地搜纳人才取代即将在这个月底任期届满的马来亚大学校长拉菲雅沙林(Rafiah Salim)。

潘俭伟指出,拉菲雅沙林在两年前被委派为马来西亚首要大学马来亚大学校长,以取代失宠的前任马大校长哈欣耶谷(Hashim Yaakob),以扭转马大排名不断下滑的趋势,而其任期将在这个月底届满。




(一)马来亚大学继续在时代高等教育增刊(Times Higher Education Supplement,THES)的大学排名滑落,从她接任前的2005年的169名滑落至2006年的192名,再跌至2007年的第245名。马来亚大学还是无法在上海交通大学列出的世界500强大学中争得一席位。










3 条评论:

匿名 说...

This is the correct link:

匿名 说...

I think we can't blame the VC totally as he/she has very limited power. The problem comes from the deadwood Deans/Heads of department and lecturers who are not removable.

Currently, all public universities are parked under JPA. The universities long time ago have already offered permanent positions to mediocre Deans/Heads of department and academics with pension even if they perform poorly.

Under this scenario, there is simply no motivation for them to work hard and excel due to their permanent position. These people are notable to get academic posts in overseas renowned institutions. They will occupy the positions in local universities forever and stop the truly outstanding people from coming in and compete with them.

This is the reason why UM's ranking keeps plunging. The only way to improve this situation is to remove the mediocre Deans/Heads of department and academics and replace them with good ones. But the problem is how to remove them?

匿名 说...

Get better lecturers

THE failure of our public universities to make it into the top 200 of the recently announced THES-QS 2007 university rankings should not surprise the vice-chancellors (VCs) and the policy makers in the Higher Education Ministry.

They knew exactly what was really needed even before the rankings began in 2004 but seemed to have ignored it for nearly two decades.

If the VCs and ministry are really serious about local universities achieving world-class standard, they should consider abolishing the current “seniority of service” system and purge academia of “deadwood professors”.

In reputable western universities, it is not uncommon to find a senior lecturer who has published more than a hundred papers during his many years of service there. This is because he had not obtained sufficient recognition in his field of research due to the lack of citation of his papers.

He may be good at teaching the basic knowledge to undergraduates, but he is simply not good enough to be made a professor.

This academic meritocracy system should be implemented here if the Government is serious about having world-class universities.

Promotion on the basis of the number of papers published should be replaced by that based on the number of citations obtained.

This is to ensure that the academics concerned realise that they have to publish high-quality papers to get their citations, and subsequent promotion.

The ministry can also set some guidelines to standardise the promotion of lecturers to the ranks of associate and full professors.

As an example, the ministry can set the citation number at 50 for lecturers to be eligible to become associate professors. Citations obtained by a lecturer from his fellow lecturers and students should either not be counted or be factored lower than citations from independent sources.

In order to become a full professor, the associate professor must show that he or she is internationally recognised as an expert in his/her field of research and highly cited by other experts and professors in the same field.

This is to prevent a professor from claiming to be an expert in a field in which he/she knows little about.


Kuala Lumpur.